


Clay County has over 15,000 citizens in 420 square miles

Vermillion (12,000)
Wakonda (350)
Burbank (100)
Meckling (50)
The remaining ~2,500 live in rural Clay County

About 4,500 people voted in the 2022 elections, with only about 45% voting for Republicans.  Making Clay County, a blue county.  We have about 2,000 voting republicans in our county and our goal is to get that many in our Clay County South Dakota Republican Party by 2024's election. 

This will allow us to have a better presence in the City Governance, School Boards, and County Politics.  Too many times to our Republican cohorts feel alone when they stand up for their beliefs, and this organization is to help stop that.

While our rural communities, blue collar workers, business owners, and county folk do a great job supporting Republican values, our efforts in Vermillion's college demographic are falling short.  We are in a constant scramble to recruit and spread the good message at the college and local business.  And because these areas effect young adults whom move all over the country, this mission is bigger than just local policy in Clay County.   We'd appreciate any help you could lend to this effort. 

Clay County Republicans is a relatively new group.  We formed to support each other in an environment that is continually growing an ugly bias against people that hold our political values.  Help your kid's future, America's freedom, and fair capitalist values by joining and actively participating in events.  


Who we are

Clay County Republicans has many members, each important contributors to the cause, these are some of the members that have official titles for the organization and help provide direction for the group.

Matthew Fairholm

Glenn Pulse